Course code 02 53 5176 00
Number of ECTS points 2
Course title in the language of instruction
Algorithms & Data Structures
Course title in Polish Algorithms and Data Structures (Algorytmy i struktury danych)
Course title in English
Algorithms & Data Structures
Language of instruction English
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 30 0 30
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 1.00 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Elektroniki
Course coordinator dr inż. Jakub Jurek
Course instructors dr inż. Jakub Jurek
Course learning outcomes
  1. Students can define the notion of an algorithm and a data structure and list its types
  2. Students know the basic syntax of a chosen programming lanugage (Python)
  3. Students can implement a given algorithm using variables, conditional statements, loops, functions and various data types
  4. Students are prepared to continue learning more advanced programming concepts in other courses
Programme learning outcomes
  1. The student knows and understands the basic problems and directions of civilization development, including the impact of the development of technology and technology on its progress.
  2. The student can make the right selection of information sources, evaluate, critically analyze and synthesize this information, select and apply appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques, can use knowledge in the field of formulating and solving complex and unusual engineering problems, including performing tasks in new conditions.
Programme content ...
Assessment methods
Observation of students' work during programming exercises;
Two practical midterm exams embracing course thematical submodules;
Final exam embracing whole knowledge from the course.

Grading policies The final grade is calculated as: - 15% of the first midterm exam grade; - 25% of the second midterm exam grade; - 60% of the final exam grade.
Course content Zagadnienia wykładów i ćwiczeń: 1. Introduction to computers, algorithms, and data structures. Programming and computers in medicine. Python programming language. Spyder programming environment (3h); 2. Basic components of algorithms and programs: variables, values, expressions, basic data types, comments, input and output of data, type conversion (6h); 3. Data structures: lists, tuples, strings, and their properties. Indexing and slicing (5h); 4. Boolean expressions and logical operations. Conditional statements if, if/else, if/elif/else. Pass statement (6h); 5. Loops: for, while. Range() function. Break and continue statements (5h); 6. Writing custom functions. Positional, required, and optional arguments (2h).
Basic reference materials
  1. Materiały wykładowe i zadania - WIKAMP
Other reference materials
  1. Python for Everybody. eBook and videocourse by Charles R. Severance.
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2023-11-16 13:08:15
Archival course yes/no no